Capable of Empathy We decided to focus on “empathy” because it is the only common emergent, measurable state we’ve found between successful communities and individuals in good mental…
Experience of the Authors Why do I say that? Because the narratives reduce any human to a really silly data point. They don’t give agency to those people…
Psalm 1: Everything that is measured becomes part of the measurement. Data is the entanglement between the measurer and the measured. Everything takes measure of everything else. The…
Empathetic Technology We were discussing whether Maslo had made any verifiable progress in artifical intelligence and empathetic technology. The response was too good to not post a blog.
Logical and Efficiency if you want yourself or your machines to learn and adapt faster and better than other people and machines then you should not organize signals…
Increase the Empathy At Maslo we think about technology first and foremost as an integral part of the human condition. We don’t think of it as an abstract…